The Battlefield 3 Class System Was The Series' Bestīattlefield 3 ranks among the most critically acclaimed entries in DICE's franchise, with the power of the Frostbite game engine delivering the then most detailed Battlefield game to date. The option of experimenting with these two distinct systems presents plenty of new gameplay opportunities, and may even encourage some healthy debate among Battlefield fans as to whether or not specialists are an improvement on the old system, or if 2042 has fixed something that wasn't broken in the first place. It allows for the reverse as well of course should players wish to take 2042's specialists into maps featured in Battlefield 1942 or Bad Company 2, then that option is also available. With the mode, players will be able to play all of 2042's maps with the classes seen in older Battlefield titles, whether their preference lies with the versions seen in Battlefield 1942, Battlefield: Bad Company 2 or Battlefield 3. Thankfully, given the comprehensive scale of the game, Battlefield 2042's Portal mode enables players to experience the various class-based systems from Battlefield's past. Related: Battlefield 2042 Factions: Who They Are The system seen in 2042 is a natural progression of this, although there are still some big differences between it and the one seen in Battlefield V, meaning Battlefield players are likely to have a preference between the two. While the class system was preserved, DICE introduced Elite characters not long after the game's launch, with each one having fleshed out backstories, unique voice lines and melee weapons. While 2042 is the first Battlefield game to do away with the series' traditional class system, DICE laid the groundwork for such a change in Battlefield V, which was the most customizable Battlefield game to date. These new specialists come equipped with more detailed character models and unique gadgets, but also more defined personalities, bringing DICE's latest Battlefield installment up to date with competitors such as Rainbow Six: Siege and Apex Legends, which both incorporated hero-shooter elements years earlier.

Battlefield 2042has done away with the series' class-based system, replacing the medic, recon, assault and support classes with specialist characters and different packages.